Why not come and try clay pigeon shooting and have some clay shooting tuition.
Why not come and try clay pigeon shooting and have some clay shooting tuition.
For those looking for a new challenge and like being outside in the countryside then clay pigeon shooting could be just what your looking for. At Wittering Grange just west of Peterborough we have one of the most stunning settings to learn the exciting sport of clay shooting and can offer you the best start with clay shooting tuition.
We have a great team of male & female qualified instructors that can give you clay shooting tuition. From around the age of eight years old through to the more mature years the sport of clay pigeon shooting is for everyone. We have lots of companies that bring a group of workmates for a team building session and have a great time clay pigeon shooting.
Young and old this is a hobby or sport that just about anyone can take part in.
We have lots of companies that bring a group of workmates for a team building session and have a great time clay pigeon shooting.
Give us a call for a friendly chat about booking up for some clay shooting tuition. 07730523235